Enter the place you’d like to visit. We’ll give you the date ranges where the weather is most pleasant.
Enter a City, Country, Region or National Park in the search box below to find travel information:Tip: If entering a city, state, national park, or other tourist destination, include the country name. The search will show nearby results to help you plan.
Recommendations are based on precipitation and perceived temperatures, which factor in wind chill and humidity in addition to the daily high, low, and median temperatures. By default we recommend the times that are most likely to be warm (not too hot or too cold) and have less precipitation. If you are a cold-weather traveler or looking to book a ski trip, you can customize your own settings and find a the best time to visit the place of your choice using our travel weather map.
The Best Time to Visit Popular Places
Click the location to see weather, safety information, and more. If available we will also tell you which seasons are busiest and which times of year are likely to have the best pricing.
North America
South America
Australia & Oceania
Countries listed are averaged across the entire nation, and will therefor be less accurate for large countries. Bonus: The best time to visit Antarctica for “warmer” weather, such as it is.